Strict Manager

Cloud software for small businesses that provide services at customer location.

Schedule jobs on a computer or mobile app. Send reminders.

Arrange jobs on a map so employees have shorter travel times.

Mobile app allows employees: look up jobs, directions, add comments, photos, send reminders, collect customer signatures & more.

Send jobs to QuickBooks for invoicing OR use local simple accounting to invoice jobs.

Track employee time, calculate salaries by hours worked or percentage from job charge.

Reservation system allows customers to see pricing and make reservations for service online.

  Reservatin API for your website developers.

GPS tracking.

Create PDF files and collect customer signature.

Download Smart Phone Version:


Scheduling software:
• first month free
• $5/month if company has less than 15 jobs scheduled per month
• $28/month for 2 employees who have more than 15 jobs scheduled per month
• $8/ month for each aditional employee who has more than 15 jobs scheduled per month
Online reservation system:
• $8/month
Accounting & Finance:
• free if invoicing and accounting is used (does not include payroll)
• option to integrate with QuickBooks Online and use all accounting products (subject to fees by QuickBooks Online).

Terms of Service Agreement

30 S. Quaker Ln. Unit 260
Alexandria, VA 22314

Ph: 703 998 0100
